
Worth a thousand words

National Geographic has a pretty striking photoset out this week, made up of user submissions. The 18 photo gallery includes shots from around the world, depicting various aspects of life in the absence of cheap, abundant energy. Several of the photos seem a little tenuously related to energy itself (though all have captions that try to make the link), but there are many where the connection is clear. It can be hard to imagine, sitting in a (well, not actually air conditioned) office in the US, where the lights, fridge, phones, and computers just work that this is what the lives of over a billion people look like. Photography is a pretty amazing thing. 

One of my favorites. Note the clearly electric fans - and of course the candle. Classic juxtaposition in places where power is available, but not reliable. 

One of my favorites. Note the clearly electric fans - and of course the candle. Classic juxtaposition in places where power is available, but not reliable. 

All of the submissions to the photoset can be found here. Well worth a look.